Generaal Colloquium

In the Greek mythology Athena was accompanied by an owl, the owl of knowledge and wisdom. In the N.C.V. a similar institute accompanies the Heeren V. Meet the Generaal Colloquium. We act as the guardian angel and the owl of wisdom for the N.C.V., providing the Heeren V with advice on legal and complicated matters. Furthermore, we make sure that their decisions are in line with the standing rules and regulations and inspect if these are in general interest of the cohort.

As protector of the NCV and its committees, the Generaal Colloquium is authorized to dismiss and organize re-elections for the Heeren V and the Campus Raad, or to replace them on a temporary base. Being in such a role demands dedication, the ability to look at situations from different perspectives, judge situations independent from personal preference and experience with approaching legal issues.

The Generaal Colloquium is one of the few committees which is chosen by the hand of the Heeren V, and therefore is a great honour to be part of. As a member of the Generaal Colloquium you need to have the respect and the trust of the Heeren V and dare to speak up against them even if decisions are not in your best interest. It is truly a committee which brings pride to your time at Nyenrode.

Generaal Colloquium

Chris Swinkels (2020) Chairman
Wouter Coppen (2020) Member
Vera de Gelder (2020) Member