Ondernemend Nyenrode, in collaboration with Anushka Driessen, organising a Masterclass with top speakers from Salesforce, software company. Anushka has worked for Ahold Delhaize and is keen to shorten the path for students in business together with ondernemend Nyenrode by organising Masterclasses.

On the 30th of April 2024, there will be the 3. Masterclass with Ramin Basim, Vice President Sales Regional of Salesforce who will tell about all his experience within the company. Additionally, there will be a Q&A . Ondernemend Nyenrode has also opened this Masterclass for the Young Alumni.

18:30 Registration Neelie Kroes hall
19:00 Welcome by Ondernemend Nyenrode
19:05 Anushka Driessen moderator
19:10 Speech Ramin Basim
19:50 Q&A moderated by Anushka Driessen


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