Club der Seewaerdighen
The Club der Seewaerdighen is responsible for organising the Race of the Classics (ROTC) on behalf of Team Nyenrode. Honestly, we are just a group of students that like to experience the life of a pirate, unknowingly if this is due to the rough sea, the sailing boat or the abundance of rum. Brave Nyenrodians get the opportunity to participate in the annual 7-day student sailing race on old authentic tall ships. As a committee, we are responsible for organising everything regarding this race. The selection process for our team, F&B, jackets, transportation, safety, and sponsoring all fall under our responsibility.
The Race of the Classics is an annually returning event in April, with in total ± 500 students participating from 16 different universities around The Netherlands. The aim of the race is to cross the North Sea to the UK and back should the wind allow this. If not, the race takes place on the Dutch coast of the North-Sea and the Waddenzee. As team Nyenrode, you are in charge of pulling the ropes when needed and the general work on the boat according to the instructions of the crew.
As a true Nyenrodian on the water, you can figure out that the life of a pirate is not a rose-strewn path. However, sailing on such a beautiful authentic ship under all conditions (powerful winds, rain, sunshine, no wind at night) and seeing how these have such a large influence on all aspects of sailing is truly an unique experience. Do you dare to sail up into the horizon with your fellow Nyenrode students?
On behalf of all of the members of the Club Der Seewaerdighen,
Club der Seewaerdighen
Jan Guillaum Georg Chrisstoph Heinz (2023) | Chairman |
Camilla Diaz (2023) | Vice-Chairwoman |
Ruben de Jong (2023) | Treasurer |
Thiemen Spaargaren (2023) | Teamcaptain |
Tsjalling Zuidema (2022) | Comm. Provianderinghe |
Vivienne Pessers (2023) | Comm. Sponsors |