Collegie tot de Vermaeckelijkcke Verposinghe
Het Collegie tot de Vermaeckelijke Verposinghe (C.V.V.) is responsible for organizing the memorable Introduction period for the part-time MSc students of the Nyenrode Business University. They have the difficult task of transmitting the norms, values, and traditions of the N.C.V. to these students in a very short period. The part-time students are eager to become a member of our beloved Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre, due to the enrichment in social connections you will gain with our student association.
The Introduction Period for the part-time students is somewhat similar to the Introduction of the full-time students, only shorter.
Also, part-time students differ a lot in age, making it a challenging task as participants are all in different stages of their life. Apart from the fact that the Introduction Period is the first activity for the new part-time students with the N.C.V., it is also the first
big event that is fully organized and executed by new full-time students. The organization of this event, in collaboration with the entire cohort serving as staff members, the experience of the Introduction Period itself, and the positive reactions of the part-time students are considered an amazing experience that adds up to the full Nyenrode experience!
Met strenge- doch vriendelijke groet,
Het Collegie tot de Vermaeckelijke Verposinghe
Collegie tot de Vermaeckelijcke Verposinghe
Sem van Duivendijk (2022) | Praeses |
Lois Storch (2022) | Vice-Praeses |
Jacob Hartog (2022) | Ab-Actis |
Mika van der Heijden (2023) | Quaestor |
Puck van de Poll (2023) | Assessor |