Acquisition Committee

The Acquisition Committee consists of a group of eight committed members. We are responsible for acquiring new partnerships for our association.

We believe that there is a lot of potential in working together with different companies. This coming year we would like to expand our connections and partnerships with companies from different sectors. This will enable all members to get to know the companies they can potentially work for later in their career.

The main goal of the Acquisition Committee is to organise a Career Event for all students and the partners we have gained over the year. In return we will receive funding for the great events our association hosts.

Acquisition Committee

Pien van Kraaikamp (2021) Chair
Bas den Hollander (2022) Head of Acquisitions
Aubid ur Rehman Sarwar Sarwar (2022) Member Acquisitions
Pippa Slaats (2021) Member Acquisitions
Bart Haasen (2022) Member Acquisitions
Dirk Van de Vendel (2021) Head of Sponsorday
Lucas Koolhaas (2022) Head of Relations