De Jagt ende Schuttersch Genootschap

Dear forth bringers of Boar or Sow,
The illustrious Jagt ende Schutters Genootschap be an institute filled with noble, yet mortal souls whom make their triumphant march across the wide domain known to common folk as the campus. The protection is led by our most noble of souls, whom shows the path of darkness in brighter days, Kouad- Aligh. Man, the nonhunter, has lost its passion for collision and protection of that which is most dear to them. Our noble institute has taken it upon itself to protect the beloved NCV and will not stop scuffling until the day said NCV will be triumphant once again. Though the foreground be not filled with our presence, it be the background where the real strife exists in guarding our treasured association from those external and not worthy.
Crows shall be shot on the sight of our barrel, and filled with lead their existence shall seize. And with dogs most unwilling, the hares shall be caught by the legs upside down.
The time has come for us to help you tread the floods on horseback in this scuffle, until the day comes that

evil ties its own noose.
Evil will aim at those not with strength, but with weakness. Through meat provided, we will make the unworthy resistant and sturdy, for many dogs bring death to the hares. As such, only through this process will our dogs fear no dense woods nor muddy water. Namensch ‘t Jagt ende Schuttersgenootschap

De Jagt ende Schuttersch Genootschap

Cas Buskermolen (2020) Voorzitter
Stijn van Meerten (2020) vice Generaal
Loek Theodorus Jacobus Egbers (2020) Commissaris Jagersmunten
Oscar Avelli (2019) Commissioner Stoplicht & Explosieven
Kees van Loon (2020) Commissioner Veiligheid der Kampement
Bernard Espie Ferreira (2020) Commissioner Beheer Kouad-Aligh
Thomas van den berg (2020) Commissioner Proviand en Sprokkelhout
Michael Giovanni Siccama (2020) Commissioner Kanonnen en Kampvuur
Dylan Stolk (2020) Backemeat
Joep Geurts (2020) Backemeat
Julius Willem Frederik Boskaljon (2020) Backemeat
Jelle Groen (2020) Backemeat
Danny van der Wei (2020) Backemeat
Tom Berger (2019) Backemeat